Sunday, June 30, 2024

Our nation can survive bad policy. We cannot survive a president willing to torch the Constitution.


This year’s election isn’t about inflation, budget deficits, national security, or any critical issues Americans usually face. 

In fact, I don’t think this is a policy election at all. 

Think about it.  What President Trump did on January 6th was an assault on the foundations of our constitutional republic. 

Our nation can survive bad policy. We cannot survive a president willing to torch the Constitution.

Donald Trump has said he is willing to “terminate” the Constitution. He has shown he has no respect for the rule of law.  He is the first president in history to refuse to guarantee the peaceful transfer of power. Defending the rule of law and the peaceful transfer of power are not partisan issues—they are fundamental to our republic.

So that is the choice we have this November. The 2024 election will determine whether we continue to be a nation of laws. It is not about partisan differences but preserving our democratic institutions. 

We must prioritize our love of country over partisanship, and that’s why I’m writing to ask for your support today. 

I launched Our Great Task to stop Donald Trump, protect our democratic institutions, and preserve the rule of law. Today, I’m asking you to do your part to ensure we have the resources to power our efforts in the critical months ahead.

Thank you,

Liz Cheney


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