Saturday, July 27, 2024

Bastiat Society presents, "Teaching Free Market Ideas to the Rising Generation."


AIER’s Bastiat Society program in Nashville invites you to join us on July 30that 6:00pm for an event with Connor Boyack and Elijah Stanfield.

College campuses are increasingly hostile to the ideas of a free society, and social media is full of socialist, statist messaging encouraging children to see themselves as oppressed victims suffering under so-called “late-stage capitalism.” How can we turn the tide and encourage the rising generation to embrace our values and understand our ideas? Connor Boyack and Elijah Stanfield are creators of the Tuttle Twins book series which has sold over five million copies. Come learn how to share free market messaging in a simple, fun way.

The Bastiat Society of Nashville's speaker series is co-sponsored by The Beacon Center of Tennessee & The Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) (affiliated with Middle Tennessee State University). Our financial sponsor who makes it possible for us to meet at the Richland Country Club is Richard Ina, AAMS® - NewEdge WealthThese sponsorships do not necessarily constitute an endorsement of the speakers' positions on the issues discussed.

Ticket Prices:

$0 for Founding Members

$10 for Annual Members

$20 for Non-Members

$0 for Actively enrolled university students who register with a .edu email address. Those who register with a non- .edu email address will be unregistered and asked to purchase tickets at full price.

Registration required.

Let us know you're coming!

Register now 

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