Sunday, July 07, 2024

Joe Biden is a delusional and amazingly stubborn man.

 By MARK ANTONIO WRIGHT, National Review, July 5, 2024 - I avoided all commentary before watching Joe Biden’s sit-down interview with ABC News’s George Stephanopoulos because I didn’t want to risk being influenced by other people’s opinions in any way — I wanted to see and hear and feel this thing firsthand and viscerally so that I could gauge the condition of the president of the United States.

Here’s what I think: 1) Biden looked and sounded terrible. ... 2) Biden’s stubbornness and obstinacy will come off as completely inexplicable to normal Americans. They’ll conclude that Joe Biden is a selfish politician primarily interested, above all else, in his own status and his own power. .... (link)

Rod's Comment: The above pretty much mirrors my view of the Stephanopoulos interview. 

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