Thursday, July 18, 2024

Q&A with Courtney Johnston

The Pamphleteer, June 18, 2024 - If elected, what will your number one legislative priority be and why?

We need to secure the border. The Biden Administration has left the border wide-open and weak Republicans like Andy Ogles aren't doing anything about it. It is imperative that we end this threat to national security. Without a border, we are not a country - plain and simple.

Are you willing to support former President Donald Trump during his campaign to retake the White House? If elected, which of his policy platforms are you looking forward to supporting him on?

I support President Trump, because our country cannot afford four more years of President Biden destroying our economy and putting the safety of Americans at risk daily. I look forward to working with President Trump to fight inflation, secure the border, and protect Americans at home and abroad.

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