Saturday, July 13, 2024

Sen. Bill Hagerty, Sen. Marsha Blacburn, Rep. Andy Ogles and Colleagues Question DOJ’s Lack of Prosecutions of Aliens Registering to Vote

by Rod Williams, July 13, 2024 - Yesterday, Senator Bill Hagerty and Senator Marsha Blackburn, Representative Andy Ogles and other of their colleagues wrote a letter to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland inquiring as to the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) efforts to prevent aliens from registering to vote in American elections. This follows several recent reports of non-citizens registering to vote amid a record number of illegal border crossings.

I totally reject the unproven, but widely accepted MAGA claim of the stolen election. I accept that some politicians and media personalities will use election integrity issues as a tool to prop up the stolen election claim and undermine faith in the legitimacy of our elections. I am cynical enough to take the alarm about the integrity of our elections including claims of illegal immigrants voting in our elections with a grain of salt. 

On the other hand, we should always be diligent to ensure that our elections are fair and only people who are eligible to vote, vote and that the people voting are who they say they are.  Those who vote illegally should be prosecuted. With upward to 16 million undocumented aliens living in America, many of them having lived here for years, I would be surprised if there are not some illegal aliens who vote in our elections. 

I don't know if the letter signed by Hagerty, Blacburn, and Ogles is a legitimate inquiry as to the Justice Department's response to reports of illegal aliens registering to vote in our elections or if it is politically motivated sensationalism. The conservative media and the talk show host will report it as them "demanding answers."  I don't know if the Justice Department is lax in protecting us from illegal aliens registering to vote or not. I could be persuaded they are because they could be motivated by a desire to not give ammunition to the stolen election thesis. I can believe that no one is actually acting in good faith and believe that almost everyone is motivated by something other than the truth. I don't like being so cynical, but in today's environment, I think cynicism is justified. It does appear to me that the information requested is a legitimate request. I think however, releasing the letter to the public on the day it was written is cynical publicity-seeking. 

Below is the letter:

For four more pages of signatures, follow this link.

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