Sunday, July 07, 2024

Tennessee U.S. Congress election: Meet Courtney Johnston, candidate for House District 5

by David Plazas, The Tennessean, July 1, 2025 - ... 

Which office are you seeking? U.S. House District 5. One of two Republicans in the primary election.

Age at the time of election: 45

What city/town in Tennessee do you live in? Nashville, Tennessee

Education: Bachelor of Science from the E.J Ourso College of Business Administration at Louisiana State with a Major in Finance

Job history: I worked at Deutsche Bank where I worked in debt service and as a debt reorganization specialist, primarily for corporate and municipal clients. I resigned from that role to pursue a career in music, which led to me to work in the restaurant and catering business. I ended up starting my own restaurant and catering business and eventually sold that business. After meeting my husband who is a general contractor, I became a real estate agent and have enjoyed that work for 10 years now.

Family: I’m married to my husband Danny of 7 years. Unfortunately, we were unable to have children. My mother moved here from my hometown in Louisiana in 2021 after my stepfather passed away and I’ve enjoyed having her so close. Danny and I have several siblings between us and many, many nephews and nieces that we enjoy immensely!

11 questions for the candidates

Why are you running for this office? (read more)

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