Monday, August 26, 2024

"An Unserious Man:" The Most Important Line at the DNC.

William Kristol
by William Kristol, The Bulwark, Aug 26, 2024- Before Kamala Harris’s convention speech fades into the mists of history, I want briefly to discuss one passage:

In many ways, Donald Trump is an unserious man. But the consequences of putting Donald Trump back in the White House are extremely serious.

Harris didn’t dwell on the first point at all—that Trump is an unserious man. She did spend a fair amount of time discussing the very serious consequences of putting Trump back in the White House.

But why even mention the fact that Trump is an unserious man? Because I think the Harris campaign understands that it’s precisely Trump’s unseriousness—his showmanship, his buffoonery, his shtick—that can make it hard to appreciate just how dangerous he is. So somehow one has to stipulate Trump’s apparent unseriousness in order to get to his dangerousness. (read the rest)

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