Saturday, August 17, 2024

Another Trump Flip Flop: From Anti-Bitcoin to Pro-Bitcoin.

by Rod Williams, Aug. 17, 2024- Much is being made of Kamala Harris's recent flip flops on a bunch of issues. I will share my opinion on that later. However, for Trump to criticize Harris for changing her opinions on things is a case of the pot calling the kettle black. For Trump supporters to criticize Harris's flip flops and ignore Trumps, is hypocritical. The only difference is that Harris' flips or mostly more recent than Trumps in many cases. And, of course, Trump saw the light and Harris flip flops for political expediency. 

Recently at the Bitcoin conference here in Nashville, Donald Trump was greeted warmly. In his speech addressing the conference attendees he praised Bitcoin and said, "Bitcoin stands for freedom, sovereignty and independence from government." "The Biden-Harris administration’s repression of Bitcoin and crypto is wrong, and it’s very bad for our country. It’s really quite un-American."(link)   He also promised to create a US government Bitcoin reserve.  

While some of Trump's policy flip flops are older than some of Harris', Trump's Bitcoin flip flop is quite recent. In June 2021 Trump told a Fox Business reporter, "Bitcoin, it just seems like a scam. I don't like it because it's another currency competing against the dollar."

Trump is a super flip flopper. Trump registered as a Republican in 1987 and since that time, he had changed his party affiliation five times. In 2001 he was a registered Democrat. In a 2004 interview, Trump told CNN's Wolf Blitzer, "In many cases, I probably identify more as Democrat."  In a July 2015 interview, Trump said that he has a broad range of political positions and said, "I identify with some things as a Democrat." Trump was pro-choice before he was pro-life.

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