Wednesday, August 07, 2024

David French: If Conservatism is going to Have a Viable Future, then Trump has to lose.

David French
by Rod Williams, August 7, 2024- David French is one of my favorite political commentators. He is a local guy, and I have seen him speak several times. Once I saw him when he was the guest speaker at a First Tuesday event some years ago. This Spring, I took a class on the Constitution he taught as part of David Liscomb's continuing education program. The class was called "The American foundings." It was excellent and I hated to see it end. 

David is a conservative scholar, and his politics is informed by his Christian faith. He is a former attorney who has argued and wow several high-profile religious liberty cases. He has been a columnist for National Review, a fellow at The National Review Insitute and a senior editor at The Dispatch and is currently a columnist for The New York Times. To read his Wikipedia profile, follow this link

I am in total agreement with this statement from David French.


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