Sunday, August 04, 2024

Former Trump White House Press Secretary Joins those Deserting Donald Trump for Kamala Harris

Stephanie Grisham

by Philippe Naughton, Daily Beast, Aug. 04, 2024- Dozens of well-known Republicans including a couple of former Trump White House staffers have switched allegiance to endorse Kamala Harris in the latest blow for Donald Trump. ... 

They include a former Trump White House press secretary, Stephanie Grisham, ... “I might not agree with Vice President Kamala Harris on everything, but I know that she will fight for our freedom, protect our democracy and represent America with honor and dignity on the world stage,” Grisham said in a statement.

“I encourage other Trump administration officials who saw the tyrant we worked for in office to speak out and stand with Kamala Harris this November to keep integrity in the White House and ensure democracy for our country.” (link)

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1 comment:

  1. She has been registered Democrat since 2017. Your post is misleading.
