Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Mayor O'Connell's Anit-Nazi Public Safety Ordinances

 Metro Nashville Press Release, August 23, 2024- 

From Mayor Freddie O’Connell:

“I have worked with the Department of Law and Metro Council to introduce four pieces of legislation that boost public safety while simultaneously protecting First Amendment rights to peacefully gather and speak. Political tensions are high, and this legislation will help us discourage behavior that can spark violence. When political violence prevents government functions or creates public safety issues, we must have the tools in our toolkit to respond effectively.

The four pieces of legislation introduced include:

  • An ordinance to create buffer zones to maintain public safety around public buildings and parking lots
  • An adjustment to our mask-wearing ordinance
  • An ordinance prohibiting the placement of distracting signs over a highway
  • An ordinance prohibiting the distribution of handbills on private property before sunrise or after sunset”
Rod's Comment: See my post, Be Cautious in Targeting Nazi Protest. One Cannot Pass Laws to Curtail Speech You Don't Like Without Curtailing Speech You do Like.

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