Friday, August 30, 2024

The August Urbanism Meet-up is August 31st.

by Rod Williams, Aug. 25, 2024- If you care about local government or are interested in topics like planning and zoning, crime and public safety, transit and traffic, affordable housing, public safety, local taxation, urban sprawl, parks and public art and amenities, or other topics relating to "urbanism" you may be interested in attending this monthly get together.

I have been attending these meetings for about five months. I am really impressed by the depth of knowledge of those participating. Some of the participants have professional experience or education in the fields being discussed and others are self-educated experts. A wide variety of informed opinion is on display at these gatherings. 

If this sounds like something that may interest you, please join us. The Copper Branch is the cafe in the Main Library building. Discounted parking is available at the library public parking garage. 

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