Wednesday, August 28, 2024

This is Funny, Weird, Pathetic and Sad. Trump Does Infomercial Touting Trump Digital Trading Cards

This card has an actual piece 
of the suit Trump wore during a 

by Rod Williams, August 28, 2024 - First there was the God Bless the USA Bible, then there were the Trump sneakers; now, it is The Trump Digital Trading Cards. Please watch the above pitch. This is just bizarre. This is for real, not a parody. To view this ad on the official site, follow this link

There are cards of Trump doing his little campaign dance that he does, there is one of him holding a Bitcoin globe, and one of him looking tough with bodybuilder biceps. 

With every so many digital cards you purchase you get an actual physical card, and one of them has an actual piece of one of his suits that he wore in a debate attached to the card. 

Who would want these? Maybe the same people who would buy a pet rock? No, this is weirder than paying money for a rock. No, I think this is more like someone who would pay thousands of dollars to attend a Taylor Swift concert to set in the nosebleed section of a football stadium. Or, maybe it more like the people who will send money to a faith-healer TV evangelist and get a prayer cloth in the mail.

Can you imagine Ronald Reagan doing this, or Jimmy Carter, or Barack Obama or Mitt Romney, or any former president or candidates? Trump has no dignity. I think a president should be serious and dignified. From the first time Trump appeared on the political scene, I had a hard time taking his seriously. I thought he was a reality TV star and a con man. I have referred to him as a carnival barker. I think he gives carnival barkers a bad name. 

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