Thursday, August 15, 2024

Trump is Losing it! He is Delusional. Says Harris Crowds are AI Generated

by Rod Williams, August 15, 2024-  It is hard to keep track of all of the crazy and irrational and shocking things Trump says. Before you have time to process one thing, he has topped it with something else.

Recently Trump said that the large crowds at Harris' rallies were not real, that they were images generated by Artificial Intelligence. This is nuts! If your uncle said this, he would forever more be known as your crazy uncle. 

This is the kind of stuff you expect from the deep dark corners of the web and from people like Alex Jones. This is in the same category of stuff as saying that a school shooting was a red flag operation, and the dead children were actors. It is like claiming 9-11 was an inside job and that the airplanes that flew into the buildings were optical illusions and that the building collapsed from planted explosives. It is like believing a pizza parlor in D.C was part of a Democratic Party linked pedophile operation and ordering a "pepperoni" or a "bacon" was an order for a certain characteristic of a minor you wanted to abuse. It is like believing the moon landing was faked or that California wildfires are caused by Jewish space lasers. It may not be as evil as some of the things above, but it is as delusional and irrational. 

Reporters were there, including those from the Times and Washington Post, and local median, and many other news sources and numerous attendees posted video of her arrival on social media. To believe the crowds were not real is to believe anything.

Does Trump really believe this or is he lying trying to get other people to believe it? I am unsure. For a long time, I believed Trump was a liar. I am beginning to think he is not. If a person says something untrue but they actually believe what they are saying is true, they are not lying; they are delusional. I am starting to believe he believes the untruths he spouts. I think he is delusional. Maybe he really believes the 2020 election was stolen. Maybe he really believes Harris' crowds are AI generated fakes. Trump has always been obsessed with crowd size. I think he can't stand it that Harris is drawing larger crowds than is he. His response is to not believe and try to find an alternative explanation. He comes up with this explanation. He is getting worse. Can this guy be trusted with the nuclear code?

What concerns me as much as Trumps delusions, maybe more so, is that his followers don't care. They hear Trump say this about Harris' crowds being AI generated images and they either believe it or don't care. Someone should tell Trump he needs help, but they won't. The Trump public should be concerned, but they aren't. We are living in the fable of the king has no clothes. 

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