Friday, August 09, 2024

Trump picking Vance is just one more sign that Trump is categorically unfit for office.

From Sarah Longwell, Republican Accountability PAC, Aug. 9, 2024- At this point, you’ve probably heard people call JD Vance “weird” dozens, maybe hundreds of times. As someone who consumes politics all day, I’m even getting a little sick of it. But often things are cliches because they’re true.

And the truth is, there is something genuinely unsettling about Trump’s VP pick:

  • He’s hostile to no-fault divorce and has even suggested that women should stay in violent, abusive marriages.
  • He proposed that parents of children under 18 should get extra votes.
  • He claimed “childless adults” are “more sociopathic” and make America “less mentally stable."
  • Supports InfoWars lunatic Alex Jones, saying that he represents “important truths.”
  • Admitted to being “plugged into a lot of weird right-wing subcultures.”

And it’s not just the substance of what he believes, but also the style. Vance is steeped in a particular strain of online, right-wing thought that is angry, punitive, and deeply unappealing to the great majority of American voters. And anyone who believes these far-out ideals—let alone campaigns on them—should be nowhere near the White House.

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