Monday, August 19, 2024

Women's Sports are for Women

by MEGAN PODSIEDLIK, reposted from The Pamphleteer, Aug. 19, 2024- Since taking office, General Skrmetti has set out to protect women’s sports. This Friday, his office took a victory lap after the Supreme Court denied the Biden admin’s request to partially reinstate its new Title IX rule. Over the past three years, multiple states, including Tennessee, have filed suits opposing the DOE’s redefinition of “sex” to include “gender identity.” While the cases are pending, the highest court agreed that the new guidelines should be put on pause, but not without dissent. Justices Sotomayor, Kagan, Gorsuch, and Jackson disagreed in part with the court’s decision, stating that provisions unrelated to sexual discrimination should be put into effect.

“I am grateful that the Supreme Court of the United States agreed that no part of the Biden administration’s Title IX rule should go into effect while the case proceeds,” Skrmetti said in a press release. “This is a win for student privacy, free speech, and the rule of law.” 

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