Monday, September 09, 2024

$16,500 Cut Awaits Retirees if Social Security Isn't Reformed

Committee For A Responsible Federal Budget, Sept 9, 2024- Former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris have both said they would “protect” the Social Security program. However, neither has put forward a plan to meaningfully do so and President Trump has proposed changes that would worsen the program’s finances.

The Social Security Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) trust fund is projected to be depleted by 2033, at which point the law calls for a 21 percent across-the-board benefit reduction. We estimate this would represent a $16,500 cut in annual benefits for a typical dual-income couple retiring at the time of trust fund depletion.

This analysis is largely an update of our 2023 piece on the same topic.

Read the analysis.

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