Saturday, September 21, 2024

Here’s to You, Mr. Robinson

By Nick Catoggio, This Dispatch, Published September 20, 2024 -All you need to know about the modern right is that Mark Robinson is only its third-most popular black Nazi.

Well … “Nazi” might be a bit strong to describe Kanye West and Candace Owens, although only a bit. But it’s a fair cop for Robinson if this new CNN report is accurate. Allegedly, it’s how he once described himself.

... Even before CNN went digging through his internet archives and turned up comments about “Martin Lucifer Koon” and the virtues of slavery, he had built a reputation as an unusually loose cannon by the already very loose standards of right-wing populism.

Loose enough that he was apparently promoting Holocaust denial years before Republican edge lords decided that promoting Holocaust denial was cool.

... No justice would be more poetic than Donald Trump losing the presidency thanks to a candidate who wouldn’t have been viable in American politics but for Trump’s own influence. Trumpism taught Republican voters to treat their own moral scruples as “weakness” and to prize vacuous politically incorrect pugnacity in candidates instead.

... By what theory, precisely, is Mark Robinson’s candidacy an affront to decency yet Donald Trump’s is not? ...  Both men seem to be sexually licentious, unusually vicious in their political rhetoric, and way too comfortable with bigots.  ... Trump and Robinson are birds of a feather. (read it all)

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