Thursday, September 05, 2024

The RT Indictments are not an Assault on the First Amendment.

by Rod Williams, Sept. 5, 2024-  I have not seen it yet, as I have been engaged in other activity rather than reading news today, but I bet it is out there. I would bet that the Trumpinistas are going to frame the indictment of two employees of RT as itself an assault on democracy. They are going to allege that this is part of the weaponization of the Justice Department to intimidate and silence conservatives.

Yesterday two employees of RT, formerly Russia Today, where indited in a $10 million plan to create and distribute pro-Russian content to U.S. audiences on conservative media.  The conservative media organization involved is Tenet Media which creates content or is associated with several fringe conservative bloggers and influencers. The two RT employees are charged with conspiracy to violate the Foreign Agents Registration Act and conspiracy to commit money laundering. If convicted they could serve prison terms of up to 30 years.

I can understand why Russia would use conservative media to spread their message. Large parts of what passes for conservative today is pro-Russian. Trump has had nice things to say about Putin and has said he would end the Ukraine War on day one. The only way Trump could end the way is by forcing Ukraine to capitulate. It is in Russia's interest that Trump win this election. 

While the commentators involved are people I have never heard of before this, they have large followings on media like Tic Tock and YouTube, and their viewers tend to be young men. Unfortunately, this alternative media is where a lot of people, especially young people get their news. Young men is a demographic that has been receptive to the most radical or right-wing messaging and most ready to believe weird conspiracies. This is a demographic in which Trump leads. With a very close election, small slices of the electorate matter a lot.

Many Trump supporters are going to see the inditement of the two RT employees as an attempt to tie Trump to Russian spies and as a smear. They are also going to allege that it is an attack on the First Amendment and a free press. It is not.

None of the political commentators involved have been charged with a crime. No one is prohibited from praising Putin. However, if you accept Russian money to do Russia's bidding you must register as foreign agent.

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