Friday, October 11, 2024

Michael Patrick Leahy says, "Nobody Would Believe It" If Kamala Harris Was Elected President on November 5'

by Rod Williams, Oct. 11, 2024- Republicans have been laying the groundwork to steal the upcoming election for some time now. They have set the stage for fake electors and for local election commissions to be allowed to "audit" ballots instead of just counting ballots. None of this has much of a chance of success and I fully expect that whoever wins the upcoming election will in fact become the next president. These efforts will likely sow doubts about the fairness of the election and will slow the process of declaring the winner of the election, however.

I cannot help but wonder if the goal is not more about claiming the election was stolen, should Trump lose, than actually stealing the election. Trump is building a case that the election will not be fair and that Democrats if they win, stole the election. They falsely claim that illegal immigrant will vote in the election. They claim that disaster relief aid is being withheld from Republican areas in order to punish Republicans and suppress the Republican vote.  Some Trump sycophants are even claiming that the federal government can control the weather, and the Democrat-controlled government aimed the storm's path and intensity for partisan political purposes. 

What is the purpose for this? Out of office, Trump would have a very difficult time stealing the election. He can't pressure the Vice President to change the results.  Even a massive riot to "stop the steal" would have no chance of succeeding. It could be that Trump simply wants to juice the base and get ever possible Trump voter to actually go vote. I think Trump would have more success by sounding more reasonable and putting Nicki Haley on the campaign trail to woo disaffected Republican voters. She has offered but Trump has not called on her. Being the narcissistic person that he is, Trump is not interested in wooing anyone and broadening his base of supporters. It would hurt Trump's pride to admit that he needed Nicki Haley voters. I think Trump's strategy is wrong but wanting Trump to lose, I hope he keeps it up. 

If Trump loses by a very small margin, Trumpism will not just fade away. Trump will be too old to run again but the stage will be set for a Trump-like figure to emerge to continue the movement. I don't think it will be Don. Jr or J. D. Vance, but someone will fill Trump's shoes if the narrative that the election was rigged is believed by Trump voters. Everywhere you turn, there are Trump supporters saying that if Trump does not win it is because the election was rigged.

Yesterday, Michael Patrick Leahy host of The Michael Patrick Leahy Show and Tennessee Star reporter said that due to Vice President Kamala Harris’ blunders on the presidential campaign trail that “nobody would believe it” if she was elected president in the November 5 general election.  I would, but many Trump voters won't. They are being pounded with the message that the only way Trump loses is if the election was stolen and they are being fed lie after lie building a case that Democrats are stealing the election. 

I fully expect to see election violence between now and the inauguration of the next president and I don't think the 2024 election will spell the end of Trumpism. 

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1 comment:

  1. You know, Rod, it's almost as if he wants to lose. I don't believe that's the case given his personality but not seeking Haley's help is surely, as you indicated, hedging his bets.
    And Leahy's just another Trump lapdog. There are kennels full of 'em.
