Tuesday, October 01, 2024

Trump ignores the First Amendment and says those who criticize the Supreme Court should be tossed in jail

by Rod Williams, Oct. 1, 2024- It doesn't matter what Trump says or does, his loyal supporters are sticking with him. I guess if you stuck with him after he attempted a coup, then why get upset when he threatens to suspend the constitution or says any of the other crazy things he says. 

I think some of his supporters simply make excuses for him and don't really think he will suspend the constitution or jail his critics or adopt any of the nutty things he has proposed. That he associates with weird conspiracy theorist and neo-Nazis doesn't bother them. They make excuses. Others do believe him I fear, and they have given up on democracy and want an authoritarian leader who will sit things right. 

I can't imagine what it would take for Trump to lose his supporters if he hasn't lost them yet. If he started saying nice things about Hitler, many of his supporters would rationalize and excuse what he said and say he was just misunderstood and that pointing out what he said was "fake news." Some of them would probably conclude Hitler wasn't such a bad guy. He had his good points, they would say. Tucker Carlson is their favorite pundit, and he has already laid the groundwork for a reconsideration of Hitler, so if Trump started saying nice things about Hitler, I think his cult would nod along and defend Trump and justify Nazism. 

Recently, Trump said those who criticize the Supreme Court should be jailed. Some of his supporters will minimize this and say that is not what he really meant and that he was just expressing a justified frustration; some will agree. 

Trump ignores the First Amendment and says those who criticize the Supreme Court should be tossed in jail

The Independent, Sept. 24, 2024- Donald Trump scolded those who critique the Supreme Court at a rally on Monday, saying people should be jailed for “the way they talk about our judges and our justices” – despite the First Amendment allowing people to criticize the government.

The former president, who has invoked his First Amendment right to launch a bevy of attacks against federal and state judges, suggested it should be “illegal” to rebuke judicial decisions or try and advocate in favor of a certain decision.

“It should be illegal, what happens,” Trump told a crowd in Pennslyvania. (read more)

Trump and our system, &c.

By Jay Nordlinger, National Review, September 26, 2024 - At one of his rallies this week, Donald Trump was talking about Supreme Court justices — actually, about critics of justices. “It should be illegal, what happens,” he said. “These people should be put in jail, the way they talk about our judges and our justices, trying to get them to sway their vote, sway their decision.”

... Because Trump is a fire hose of head-spinning statements, no one pauses to consider any one of them. When he says that critics ought to be jailed, it barely makes the news.

But consider: What if the Democratic nominee had made the same statement? What if Kamala Harris had said that critics of judges and justices ought to be jailed? We would talk of nothing else, right? We would say that she was crazy, that she should not be allowed anywhere near power. (read more)

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