Sunday, October 20, 2024

Why Kamala Harris’s Fox Interview Was a Failure

 by Rod Williams, Oct. 20, 2024- I decided I could never vote for Trump again following the 2020 election and Trump's efforts to overturn the results and remain in power. For a long time, my intention was to write in the name of a conservative Republican, however, a few months ago I decided that was insufficient given the severity of the threat to our democracy posed by Trump and I needed to take a stand and actually vote for Kamala Harris. I have been hoping that more Republicans would also take a stand against the threat posed by Trump and do likewise. 

I turned into the Fox host Bret Baier interview with Kamala Harris to see if Brier conducted a fair interview and to see if I thought Harris succeeded in making her case to establishment Republicans. 

I think Brier was mostly fair. My only criticism his that he ran a Trump clip that I thought was favorable to Trump. Overall, I think Brier was as fair as any typical ABC, CBS, NBC or CNN host is when they interview a Republican. In some ways, he was more than fair in that he allowed Harris to filibuster more that I think he should have and did not push hard enough when she avoided answering questions.

I think Harris failed to make her case. In asking Harris questions about securing the border, pointing out that the Biden-Harris team repealed something like 90 executive orders dealing with the border reminded people why they should not vote for her. She could not explain why repealing the Trump executive orders regarding the border was good policy. She made a few good points, but overall, I think she failed to win friends.

The following from National Review examines the interview:

Why Kamala Harris’s Fox Interview Was a Failure

By Noah Rothman, October 17, 2024- ... Her answers on everything from the border crisis, to her shift from radical progressive to born-again moderate, to what she knew about Joe Biden’s infirmities and when she knew them have not evolved at all over this campaign. They are as deficient today as they were in the rote press release that first announced them.

On the migrant crisis the Biden administration incepted into existence and failed to do anything to mitigate until it became a political headache, Harris filibustered without saying anything in particular. She obfuscated by attempting to claim that a Democratic “immigration reform” bill would have preemptively addressed the conditions the administration hadn’t yet exacerbated with its lax approach to border enforcement. She talked up her biography as a prosecutor as though that background was relevant. 

... The “I’m speaking” gambit is a road-worn trick, but it only works if you have something to say. ...voters who are concerned that Harris’s shift from revolutionary left-wing reformer to sensible centrist isn’t entirely on the level. “Listen, that was five years ago,” she said .... Really, who remembers what they believed five years ago? (read more)

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