Sunday, December 22, 2024

The A-F Letter Score for each Nashville-Davidson County Public School.

by Rod Williams, Dec. 22, 2024- The State Department of Education has released its annual letter grade score of all eligible schools in Tennessee and I have snipped and pasted the scores for Nashville on this page. I have highlighted some scores that I found of interest. 

While some children can get a good education even in a bad school and while no doubt there are some good teachers in bad schools, if you want your child to have a good education in a Metro public school, by the time they reach high school, the chance of getting a good education are pretty slim. 

If you look at the high schools, most are scoring an "F."  The good high schools are Hume-Fogg and Metro School of the Arts and a couple charter schools.

Not a surprise really, but many of the suburban and rural schools outshine Metro schools. 

If you are moving to the Nashville area, and quality of schools are a factor, you may want to look at the Williamson County Schools. Housing may cost a little more, but you may save the cost of private school tuition. 

The difference between charter and district schools is pronounced in Nashville. 44% of charter schools earned an A or B rating compared to 29% of district schools.

There is a lot of data that goes into the letter score. To learn more about the State report card, follow this link. At this link, you can find district level performance data and demographic data, and much more.

To view the score for each school in the state, you can download the file with that information at this link

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How much are Metro Nashville workers paid? A look at the top salaries

From The Tennessean: How much are Metro Nashville workers paid? A look at the top salaries 

Here’s a list of the highest base salaries among all Metro employees in 2024, compiled from the city’s data set of general government employee titles and base annual salaries last updated in October:

  1. $317,824 – Water Services Director Scott Potter
  2. $295,825 – Chief Medical Director Gill Wright III
  3. $287,260 – Police Chief John Drake
  4. $272,909 – Transportation Director Diana Alarcon
  5. $269,750 – Chief Development Officer Robert Mendes
  6. $265,561 – Fire Chief William Swann
  7. $265,494 – Director of Development/Special Projects Mark Sturtevant
  8. $265,336 – Finance Director Kevin Crumbo
  9. $264,020 – Metro Action Commission Executive Director Cynthia Croom
  10. $260,228 – Planning Executive Director Lucy Kempf

Nashville mayor Freddie O'Connell lands at 63 on the list, earning a salary of $209,898.

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