Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Harwood Salon (formerly the Bastiat Society) is Now Free!

by Rod Williams, Feb. 11, 2025- I have been attending the Bastiat Society for years and enjoy it greatly. Recently the name changed to the Harwood Salon, but otherwise it is still the same. It meets once a month at the Richland County Club. The line up of speakers are experts in their field of study or activity. Speakers are often scholars or authors. Often speakers are college professors or work for thinktanks. The programs are always thought provoking and insightful.

Topics include political philosophy, free market economic theory, fiscal policy, constitutionalism, and relevant current topics such as housing policy, economic policy. and tax policy. To see what you have been missing if you have not been attending, follow this link

In addition to being informative and hearing from engaging experts in their field, Harwood Salon also provides and open bar and hors d'oeuvre. I am not talking about cheap box wine and a Kroger's cheese tray. They have an open full bar. You can order a Manhattan if you want. The food is delicious. They usually offer a grilled salmon that is wonderful and another great main dish, plus delicious cheeses and other treats. There is time of socializing before and after the meetings and the people attending are interesting and informed. You will have interesting conversations.

Best of all starting this month, the events are free! Registration is still required, however. To register follow this link.


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