Saturday, February 15, 2025

How to Abolish the US Department of Education

by Rod Williams, Feb. 15, 2025- I am appalled at the way, Elon Musk and the Trump administration is taking a sledgehammer to government. In doing so they are causing chaos and endangering public health and public safety and endangering American security and violating the rule of law. An agency or department created by Congress cannot simply be closed by executive order. Money appropriated by Congress cannot be legally impounded. If these things happen, we have surrendered our democracy. If Trump is successful in doing what he is doing, then Congress might as well go home and admit we are ruled by a strong man and democracy be damned. 

Having said the above however, I support significant downsizing of the Federal government. I support greater efficiency.  I believe there is significant waste in government, and some fraud and there are things the government should not be doing at all. I support a leaner government; I just want it to happen in the right way. I don't want to sacrifice democracy for efficiency. I accept that if we can't cut government the right way, if we can't muster the votes in Congress to cut an agency, then we just have to live with it. 

One thing Trump has proposed is abolishing the Department of Education. I support this. I just want it done the right way. C. Ronald Kimberling  the American Spectator has written a piece detailing how the U. S. Department of Education could be abolished in a methodical legal way without chaos. Read it at this link.

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