Friday, February 28, 2025

TN Congressman John Ross announces run for governor

John Ross
by Rod Williams, Feb 28, 2025- As expected Sixth District Congressman John Ross is running for Governor. He made it official Wednesday speaking before a Republican women's group in Williamson County. He would be running to replace Gov. Bill Lee who is term limited. Ross is serving his first term in Congress.  He previously served as Tennessee’s agriculture commissioner. He is also a farmer, attorney, and owner of an IT training enterprise. 

Senator Marsha Blackburn has all but announced she is running for Governor saying she is being encouraged to run and saying she is considering running. Almost a regular on Fox News and a darling of Trumpy Republicans, she would be the front runner should she run. Being Senator, she has statewide name recognition and a campaign apparatus and contacts whereas John Ross is hardly known outside the sixth congressional district.

Another person who is sometimes mentioned and has been laying the groundwork for running for years is Knox County mayor Glenn Jacobs. He has said he will not run if Blackburn runs. Tim Burchett of the 2nd congressional district, which is the Knoxville area, is also considering a run. 

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