Below are my endorsements of candidates in the upcoming Metro council elections. I personally know several of the candidates who I am endorsing. Others, I have heard speak at public meetings or have observed on TV. I have studied the voting records of the incumbents. For those with no record and who I do not know, I have taken the recommendation of other people whose opinions I value. I have not made an endorsement in every race. In some of the races, I simply do not know any of the candidates and in other races it appears that no contender has anything to recommend him over his opponent. This list is subject to change and new endorsements may be added. In a separate post, I will giving my endorsements for the Council-at-large race.
Feedback is welcome. If you disagree with any of my endorsements or have your own recommendations, I welcome hearing from you.
Charles Hoosoer |
District 1, Charles Hoosoer On his website he states he for keeping taxes low and saving the fairgrounds. He has the endorsement of the Davidson County Republican Party (DCRP) For more information see
Charles (Chuck) Hoosier For District 1 Council.
District 2, no recommendation
Walter Hunt |
District 3, Walter Hunt. Walter Hunt is an incumbent and has no opposition. I have known Walter for a long time. He is generally a nice guy. One thing that recommends Councilman Hunt is that he supported the effort by Councilman Gotto to curtail
eminent domain abuse.
Dave Patterson |
District 4, Dave Patterson, 40, is and Army Veteran and still serves in the Army Reserves. He is the area manager for a building maintenance and janitorial business that specializes in "green" cleaning practices. He and his wife are competitive runners and active at Our Savior Lutheran Church. I know David. He is a solid, common-sense conservative. He has a vision for the city. He says he will focus on creating an environment to spur job creation, improving schools through more choices for families, expand transportation options and improve traffic flow. He is one of six candidates running in this open seat.
District 5, no recommendation
District 6, no recommendation
District 7, no recommendation
Karen Bennett |
District 8, Karen Bennett. Karen Bennett is one of the "good dozen" council members who voted to curtail eminent domain abuse. She voted against the bill that would have extended special protections to homosexual and transgendered people. Karen is a member of the State Executive Committee of the Tennessee Republican Party. For more information see
Elect Karen Bennett.
District 9, no recommendation.
District 10, no recommendation
William Guthoerl |
District 11, William Guthoerl. He is a former police officer. He favors preservation of the fair grounds. On eminent domain he says, “Resolution RS2008-431 was a proposal to amend the Metro Charter and limit the power of eminent domain utilized by Metro Government. My opponent voted against this measure, leaving your property open to the vulnerability of the use of eminent domain." For more information go to
William Guthoerl for Metro Council
Steve Glover |
District 12, Steve Glover. I have met Steve and heard him speak. He is a conservative and well qualified to serve on the Metro Council. He is a former member of the Metro School Board where he served as Chair of Budget and Finance, overseeing a budget in excess of $633 million. he is also chair of the McGavock parent cluster for Hermitage, Donelson and Old Hickory. He is running unopposed. For more information see
Steve Glover for Metro Council.
Josh Stites |
District 13, Josh Stites. He has an MBA in finance and serves as assistant to the Treasurer of the State of Tennessee. His knowledge, skill and experience would be an asset to the Council. His platform is: Responsible Growth and Development, Fiscal Strength, No new taxes, Maintain balanced budgets, Community Strength, Well-equipped Police and Fire Departments. and Improved Infrastructure.
District 14, no endorsement at this time.
Phil Claiborne |
District 15, Phil Claiborne. Councilman Phil Claiborne has an outstanding record of achievements for his district and an impressive list of civic involvements. He was an outspoken critic of the pro-gay ordinance recently passed by the Metro Council arguing owners with religious convictions must "abandon their core beliefs" to do business with Metro if it passed. He is running unopposed. For more information see
District 16, No recommendation at this time. This is tough one. I do not personally know much about either candidate but have met incumbent Anna Page. This is the district I used to represent when I served in the Council in the 80's so I have a special interest in this district. I encourage voters to get to know both candidates and make an informed decision. While Anna Page voted against the effort to curtail eminent domain abuse and while she has not distinguished herself as a leader in the council, she is responsive to her district and very involved in the community.
Her opponent, Tony Tenpenny, has been endorsed by the Davidson County Republican Party but I am concerned about his
lengthy arrest record. The last arrest however was in 2002 and he very well may have cleaned up his act and be on the straight and narrow. I am not making an endorsement at this time. I cannot find a website on Mr. Tenpenny and have never met him and do not know his qualification.
Sandra Moore |
District 17, Sandra Moore. I am not endorsing incumbent Sandra Moore because I agree with her politics but I would rather anyone get elected other than Jerry Graves. Jerry Graves was the person who defeated me by running a very dirty campaign of lies and a last minute smear campaign. Also Jerry Graves is just not that bright and is not qualified to serve. Sometimes you have to choose the least bad candidate. With four people in the race, I would not want to split the vote too many ways and allow Jerry Graves to get elected so I am supporting incumbent Sandra Moore.
District 18, no recommendation
Bob Ries |
District 19, Bob Ries. I know Bob and he is one of the nicest men you would ever want to meet and has an engaging sense of humor. Bob was one of the Republicans seeking the 5th Congressional Republican nomination last August. He is pro-growth and often thinks outside the box. He is a small business owner and has a degree in economics.
District 20, no recommendation
District 21, no recommendation
Sherri Weiner |
District 22, Sheri Weiner. Sheri Weiner has a long list of civic involvements and recognitions including 2007 Bellevue Citizen of the Year; Past President, Bellevue Chamber; President, Bellevue Exchange Club; President, Pine Forest Homeowners; Chair, Bellevue Picnic; Chair, Bellevue Clean Up Days; and Chair, Bellevue Weather Radio Distribution to Seniors. She has the support of Councilman Eric Crafton who is vacating that seat due to term limits and at-large Councilman Charlie Tygard and the endorsement of the DCRP.
District 23, Emily Evans. Emily is running unopposed. Evans, with a background in finance has distinguished herself as the "go to" financial expert in the council. She is respected and listened to. She provides thoughtful opinions on Nashville's issues. Instead of running for district Council member, I wish she was running for Mayor. She would make a great Mayor. She has opposed Mayor Dean on the Convention Center and the fairgrounds redevelopment plan and generally votes conservative. To read more about Emily Evans go to
Metro Council District 23.
Jason Holleman |
District 24, Jason Holleman. Jason Holleman has apparently really annoyed the mayor and it looks like he may be at the top of the list of those being targeted for defeat. He opposed the new convention center and supported preservation of the Tennessee State Fairgrounds. He also was a supporter of Councilmen Michael Craddock's short-lived mayoral campaign. You can read more about the vendetta of the mayor to defeat Jason Holleman in
this Nashville Sean article.
James Kaminski |
District 25, James Michael Kaminski. James say, "a lot more work needs to be done to address the shortage of sidewalks, the poor planning of existing sidewalks, and the inconsistent bike lanes that plague our area. Upon his election, James will dedicate himself to giving the residents of District 25 the pedestrian-friendly environment that they deserve." I also know Jason is a good conservative who has worked in the Republican Party but if I knew nothing else about him other than he was going to support a "pedestrian-friendly environment" I would be for him. I am glad to see someone else recognized that we build sidewalks stupidly. We need to make Nashville safe for pedestrians and do more to make Nashville a walkable city.
District 26. No recommendations at this time.
Davette Blalock |
District 27. Davette Blalock. Davette is owner of Blalock Services which provides insurance, real estate, and financial planning services. She has received the endorsement of the DCRP and promises good government. For more information visit
Davette Blalock for Metro Council District 27.
Duane Dominy |
District 28. Duane Dominy. Duane Dominy is one of my favorite Council members. He ran for the State Legislature last August as a Republican against Sherry Jones. He is a solid conservative. He has probably done more to save the fairgrounds than any other council member. He was one of the "good dozen" who voted to stop the abuse of eminent domain.
Distirct 29, No endorsement at this time. I am torn on this one. I personally know Karen Johnson and consider her my friend. She is a former school board member and she is smart and cares about her community. However, Karen is a Democrat and this spring while I was attending a tea party rally advocating teacher tenure reform, Karen Johnson was rallying with the unionist opposing education reform. Still, I like Karen Johnson. She is not such a dogmatic liberal that one cannot reason with her.
I have heard her opponent
Isaac Okoreeh Baah speak and am impressed. He is an African immigrant. He is a Republican and has received the endorsement of the DCRP. He is an engineer and has thirty one years of Building Codes, Zoning and facilities construction experience. That background would be valuable for someone serving in the Metro Council. In the end, ideology will probably win out over my personal friendship with Karen, but I am not prepared to make an endorsement in this race at this time.
Jim Hodge |
District 30, Jim Hodge. Jim has been endorsed by State Senator Doug Henry as well as present and past council members Karen Bennett, Phil Claiborne, Eric Crafton, Duane Dominy, Buck Dozier, Robert Duvall, Randy Foster, Jim Forkum, Tim Garrett, Jim Gotto, Michael Kerstetter, J. B. Loring, Rip Ryman, Carter Todd, Parker Toler and Charlie Tygard. He was an outspoken critic of the bill that would have extended special protections to gays and transgendered people.
District 31, and 32 no endorsement.
Robert Duvall |
District 33 Robert Duvall. Robert is another one of my very favorite council members. He is a principled, common-sense, hard-working, smart conservative who is not hesitant to identify himself as a Republican. He has done a lot to help build the Republican Party in Davidson County. He cares about his community, Nashville and our country. He supports limited government, private property rights and low taxes. In his district he revitalized and made financially solvent five neighborhood organization. He is a caring, kind individual. He is a fighter. He has been a strong advocate of saving the fair grounds. Because of his leadership and willingness to stand up to the administration, he is being targeted for defeat. We must reelect Robert Duvall. Please, contribute, volunteer and help reelect Robert.
Carter Todd |
District 34, Carter Todd.
He is an incumbent running unopposed. He is legal council to Gaylord Entertainment and a 1982 graduate of Vanderbilt University School of Law. He has a long list of civic involvements including Board Trustee, United Way of Metropolitan Nashville; Member, The Green Hills Action Partners (TGHAP); Board Member, YMCA of Middle Tennessee; Member, Downtown Nashville Rotary Club, Board Member, American Red Cross, Nashville Area Chapter; Past Chair, Nashville Sports Council; Former Secretary-Treasurer of Nashville Bar Association; Past Vice-Chair, Nashville Chamber of Commerce; and more.
Tonya Jones |
District 35 Tonya Jones.
Tonya Jones a former Metro Planning commissioner and an unabashed conservative
, is running against incumbent Bo Mitchell, an outspoken Democrat and
one of the most liberal members of the Council. Former district councilman Charlie Tygard and the DCRP are supporting Jones; every liberal and labor union in town are supporting Mitchell. For more info visit Tonya's facebook page at Tonya Jones For Metro Council District 35.
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